Saturday 29 October 2011

Act 1 Scene 6 Macbeth Soliliquy

Duncan: Mmmmm. This is a great place. The air smells nice and appeals to my senses.
Banquo: This summer martin likes it too. He builds his house where the breezes are sweet. Nothing sticks out of these castle walls where there isn’t a bird roosting or nesting. They like to settle and mate right here, where the air is calm.
Duncan: Look, here she comes, Lady Macbeth, our lovely hostess. Sometimes all these loving subjects are a bother, but it’s nice to know they care. It’s inconvenient for you having me here and I thank you for your trouble.
Lady Macbeth: Everything we do, we would do over and over again, is nothing compared to what you provide for us. We will stay loyal to you for all the honours you have given us.
Duncan: Where is Macbeth? We followed him closely and had a reason to provide for him. But he is fast on his horse. But his love for you, sharp as a spur, helped him get here to you before us. Lovely lady, we will be your guest tonight.
Lady Macbeth: We will be your servants forever. Everything we have belongs to you, since you really own it, and we are happy to give back to one who gave us so much.
Duncan: Hold my hand. Take me to my host. We love him greatly and will continue. When you are ready, hostess.

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