Saturday 29 October 2011

Lady Macbeth’s Raven Soliloquy

The messenger has been running around too much. He is out of breath.
He announces that Duncan is coming into my castle, where he will meet his doom.
Come on, you spirits that help me think my murderous thoughts,
Make me less like a woman. Fill me from my head to my toes with the strength to be cruel and deadly. Thicken my blood. Don’t let me feel guilt for what I am about to do. Let no human compassion stop me from doing what I must. Come to my breasts and switch my mother’s milk for poison, you demons, wherever you are hiding, invisible and waiting to do evil. Thick night, come to me and cover the world in the evil smoke of hell so that I can’t see what I am about to slice open. Keep heaven from seeing what I am doing so it can’t say, "No! Stop the madness!"

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