In The Lottery Ticket, the protagonist and antagonist are very clear. Ivan is the clear protagonist, the story is also told from his point of view. The antagonist is Ivan's wife. In actuality, the both want the same thing, they just want them both for themselves. This will cause much conflict between the two. Ivan doesn't seem too happy with his current life. He is just satisfied, as if he is willing to live there, but craves something bigger and better. I think that towards the end of the story, when both he and his wife really started to not want to give it up, he wanted to kill her just so he could keep it all himself. She is probably thinking and planning the same thing. When it introduces the children into the story, it adds another dimension. It does this because they now have to think not just about themselves. If they spend all the money, their children will not have a happy life because they would not have work hard, and that would prevent them from getting a decent education to help them on later in life. Ivan is being a very selfish man. He decides at the end, that his life is not worth living and tells his wife that he is going to o hang himself on the first tree he finds. This is an act of extreme selfishness.
Sorry these all took so long.
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